
Monday, November 28, 2011

US and EU consider bilateral trade talks

US and EU consider bilateral trade talksUS and EU consider bilateral trade talks US and EU leaders have said at the conclusion of a White House summit that they could launch bilateral trade talks to boost jobs and growth. They announced a joint working group to explore how to enhance the "untapped potential" of transatlantic ... US and EU consider bilateral trade talks

Wypadek autokaru z Polakami

Wypadek autokaru z PolakamiWypadek autokaru z Polakami Do wypadku doszło w poniedziałek przed południem. Autokar najechał na ciężarówkę ze żwirem, która wjeżdżała na autostradę A2 koło miasta Porta Westfalica w Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii. Autokarem jechało ponad 40 osób, na szczęście pierwsze rzędy były ... Wypadek autokaru z Polakami

Italia, Ocse vede 2012 in recessione, no alternative a austerity

Italia, Ocse vede 2012 in recessione, no alternative a austerity MILANO (Reuters) - L'Italia si appresta a concludere un quarto trimestre in stagnazione e ad avviarsi verso un 2012 di contrazione del Pil. E' quanto prevede l'Ocse nella versione preliminare dell' Economic Outlook. "La ripresa economica dell'Italia ha ... Italia, Ocse vede 2012 in recessione, no alternative a austerity

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